City of Northglenn Public Documents

CITY OF northglenn
january 27, 2020
6:00 p.m.


A.   Q/4 2019 - Joint Meeting with City Council & NURA Board - Debbie Tuttle



CITY OF northglenn
january 27, 2020
7:00 p.m.

 1.  Call to Order:

 2.  Roll Call:

 3.  Pledge of Allegiance:

 4.  Response to Citizen Inquiry:

 5.  Agenda Additions and Deletions:

 6.  Proclamations:

A.  National Radon Action Month - January 2020

 7.  Public Invited To Be Heard: 5 Minutes Per Speaker

(Statements shall be related to City business and limited to matters of community interest)

 8.  Legislative Policy Committee Update - Discussion and Possible Action:

  9.  Consent Agenda:

A.  Approval of Minutes:  December 9, 2019 Organizational Meeting; December 16, 2019 Special Meeting; January 6, 2020 Special Meeting; January 13, 2020 Regular Meeting

B.  CR-31 - Leighty:          Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Board Appointment - Stephen Blackburn

A RESOLUTION appointing a regular member to the northglenn victim assistance and law enforcement (vale) board

C.  CR-32 - Leighty:          Youth Commission Appointment - Abhiyan Barailee

A RESOLUTION appointing a member to the board of directors of the northglenn youth commission

D.  CR-33 - Leighty:          Youth Commission Appointment - Kiera Carillo

A RESOLUTION appointing a member to the board of directors of the northglenn youth commission

E.  CR-34 - Leighty:          Youth Commission Appointment - Carlos Solis Manriquez

A RESOLUTION appointing a member to the board of directors of the northglenn youth commission

F.  CR-35 - Leighty:          Youth Commission Appointment - Zen Kretsinger

A RESOLUTION appointing a member to the board of directors of the northglenn youth commission

G.  CR-37 - Leighty:          2020 Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Removal, Hauling & Disposal

A RESOLUTION approving an agreement between the city of northglenn and veris environmental, llc for the 2020 wastewater treatment plant biosolids removal, hauling and disposal services

H.  CR-38 - Leighty:          Standley Lake Pipeline Joint Operating Committee Escrow Account Contribution

A RESOLUTION authorizing the necessary expenditures to accomplish the annual capital improvement program for the standley lake pipeline

10.  Items Removed From Consent Agenda:


A.  CB-1941 - Leighty:      Marijuana License Requirements

A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE amending article 14 and article 16 of chapter 18 of the northglenn municipal code regarding marijuana businesses


12.  Ordinances - SECOND Reading:

A.  CB-1941 - Leighty:      Marijuana License Requirements

A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE amending article 14 and article 16 of chapter 18 of the northglenn municipal code regarding marijuana businesses

13.  Resolutions:

A.  CR-36 - Leighty:          2020 Pay Plan and Personnel Summary Amendments

A RESOLUTION adopting the city of northglenn 2020 pay plan, as amended, and amending the city of northglenn 2020 personnel summary

B.  CR-40 - Leighty:          NGCC Phase 1 Fitness Equipment Contract

A RESOLUTION approving a professional services agreement between the city of northglenn and sport and fitness, inc. for the northglenn civic center phase 1 fitness equipment


14.  marijuana licensing:


B.  APPROVAL of MINUTES - July 25, 2016

C.  Manager Registration Application - The Green Solution, LLC




A.  Northglenn Civic Center Project Phase 1 Implementation January Update - Amanda Peterson

B.  Proposed Homelessness Community Task Force Next Steps - City Manager Geyer


16.  Communications:

A.  Mayor and Council

B.  City Manager/Staff

17.  Public Invited To Be Heard: 3 Minutes Per Speaker

(Statements should be related to an item previously addressed by Council during the meeting)

18.  Adjournment:

Executive Session pursuant to Section 4.5(d) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for legal consultation and advice

If you have a disability and need auxiliary aids or services to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact the City of Northglenn at 303.450.8877 at least 72 hours in advance of when services are needed.