CITY OF northglenn
april 12, 2021
7:00 p.m.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, City Council members will participate in this meeting electronically.

No City Council members will be physically present at City Hall for this meeting.


Public access to the meeting will be available on the local government access Channel 8

and on the City's YouTube channel at


Public access will also be available by telephone:

Call-in Number: 720-961-5043   Meeting ID: 145 718 7066


Public Participation Options

Prior to the Meeting:

By E-mail: Members of the public may provide public comment in advance of the meeting by emailing the City Clerk at Email messages must be received by 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 12, 2021.

By Phone: Members of the public may provide public comment in advance of the meeting by leaving a voicemail at 303-450-8757. Voicemail messages must be received by 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 12, 2021. Please note that voicemail messages are limited to 3 minutes per individual.

Comments received by the deadline will be read or played into the record by staff during the meeting.


During the Meeting:

By Phone: Members of the public may call the phone numbers above to participate in the meeting. All callers will be muted and may only comment during the times allotted for public comment as indicated on the agenda below. When prompted, please state your desire to provide public comment. Once you have been recognized by the Mayor, state your name and address, and provide your comments to the City Council.

Those wishing to speak are asked to text their name and which item they wish to speak about to the City Clerk at 303-450-8757 to better organize the public comment periods. You must connect to the Council meeting by calling 720-961-5043 and entering Meeting ID 145 718 7066. An opportunity to speak will be provided to those who do not wish to text their information to the City Clerk.

  1.  Call to Order:

  2.  Roll Call:

  3.  Pledge of Allegiance:

  4.  Response to Citizen Inquiry:

  5.  Agenda Additions and Deletions:



A.    Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month - April 2021

B.    National Volunteer Recognition Week - April 18-24, 2021



A.    Adams 12 Fiber Network Project Update - Ash Mahajan, Chief Information & Technology Officer & Perry Movick, Infrastructure Engineering Manager

B.    Update from U.S. Senator Bennet's Office - Mike Washington, Director of Denver Metro Outreach, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

C.    Regional Transportation District Update - Vince Buzek, RTD Board Secretary & District J Director & Debra Johnson, RTD General Manager & CEO


  8.  Public Invited To Be Heard: 5 Minutes Per Speaker        Opportunity for public comment

(Statements shall be related to City business and limited to matters of community interest)

  9.  Communications:

A.  Mayor and Council

               1.    Legislative Policy Committee Update - Discussion and Possible Action:

               2.    Other City Council Committees

B.  City Manager, City Clerk, and City Attorney


 10.  financial report:

A.    February 2021 Update - Jason Loveland


 11.  Consent Agenda:

A.  Approval of Minutes:    March 22, 2021 Regular Meeting

B.  CR-2 - Leighty:             Adams County Severe Weather Activation Plan (SWAP) Program IGA

A RESOLUTION Approving an intergovernmental agreement between adams county , the cities of commerce city, federal heights, northglenn, thornton, westminster, and the town of bennett for contributions towards motel vouchers for the severe weather activation plan program

C.  CR-37 - Leighty:           Northglenn Urban Renewal Authority Reappointment - Rosie Garner

A RESOLUTION reappointing a commissioner to the northglenn urban renewal authority (nura) for the city of northglenn, colorado

D.  CR-39 - Leighty:            2021 Recycling Services

A RESOLUTION approving a service agreement between the city of northglenn and waste management of colorado, inc. for calendar year 2021 single stream recycling services

E.  CR-41 - Leighty:           Drought Mitigation and Response Plan Adoption

A RESOLUTION adopting a drought mitigation and response plan for the city of northglenn


 12.  Items Removed From Consent Agenda:


 13.  ordinances - emergency:

A.  CB-1970 - Leighty:         Food Delivery Fee Cap Emergency Ordinance Extension

A bill for an emergency ordinance extending the provisions of article 3 of chapter 20 of the northglenn municipal code regarding third-party food delivery platform fees



A.  CR-38 - Leighty:          2021 Residential and Arterial Street Programs

A RESOLUTION approving an agreement between the city of northglenn and brannan sand and gravel company, llc for the 2021 residential and arterial street programs

B.  CR-40 - Leighty:          CDOT Traffic Signal Upgrade IGA

A RESOLUTION APPROVING an intergovernmental agreement between the city of northglenn and the state of colorado acting by and through the colorado department of transportation regarding funding for the traffic signal upgrade project

C.  CR-42 - Leighty:          Phase 1 Drought Declaration - Voluntary Restrictions

A RESOLUTION declaring a stage 1 drought and authorizing the city manager to implement rules and regulations for the conservation of water in the city of northglenn

D.  CR-43 - Leighty:          VTI Security Contingency Authorization

A RESOLUTION authorizing contingency funds for the agreement between the city of northglenn and vti security for the northglenn civic center phase 1 security and access control project


 15.  Public Invited To Be Heard: 3 Minutes Per Speaker        Opportunity for public comment

(Statements should be related to an item previously addressed by Council during the meeting)

 16.  Adjournment:

If you have a disability and need auxiliary aids or services to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact the City of Northglenn at 303.450.8714 at least 72 hours in advance of when services are needed.