REVISED 05/09/24
CITY OF northglenn
may 13, 2024
6:00 p.m.
City Council will meet in City Hall Council Chambers.
Members of the public are invited to attend the in-person meeting.
Public access to the meeting will be available on the local government access Channel 8
and on the City's YouTube channel at
Members of the public may speak to City Council by attending the in-person meeting or by phone using the numbers below:
Call-in Number: 720-961-5043 Meeting ID: 149 204 3408
1. Call to Order:
2. Roll Call:
3. Pledge of Allegiance:
4. Response to Citizen Inquiry:
5. Agenda Additions and Deletions:
6. Public Invited To Be Heard: 5 Minutes Per Speaker Opportunity for public comment
(Statements shall be related to City business and limited to matters of community interest)
7. proclamations:
A. National Police Week & E.B. Rains, Jr. Memorial Day - May 12-18 & May 30, 2024
B. Public Works Week - May 19-25, 2024
8. Communications:
A. Mayor and Council
1. Legislative Policy Committee Update - Discussion and Possible Action:
2. Other City Council Committees
B. City Manager, City Clerk, and City Attorney
9. financial report:
A. March 2024 Update - Deputy City Manager Loveland
10. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes: May 1, 2024 Special Meeting; May 6, 2024 Special Meeting
B. CR-99 - Leighty: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Reappointment - Mary Peery
A RESOLUTION reappointing the ward 3 member to the parks and recreation advisory board of the city of northglenn, colorado
C. CR-100 - Leighty: Youth Commission Reappointment - Akaam Alex Sandhu
A RESOLUTION reappointing a member to the board of directors of the northglenn youth commission
D. CR-104 - Leighty: Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Removal, Hauling & Disposal
A RESOLUTION approving addendum #2 to the agreement between the city of northglenn and denali water solutions, llc for the 2024 wastewater treatment plant biosolids removal, hauling and disposal services
11. Items Removed From Consent Agenda:
12. resolutions:
A. CR-101 - Leighty: Lucille Ruibal Rivera Gallery Naming Proposal Recommendation
A RESOLUTION naming the art gallery adjacent to the parsons theatre as the lucille ruibal rivera gallery
B. CR-102 - Leighty: North Metro Fire Rescue District IGA for Sanitary Sewer Service
A RESOLUTION approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of northglenn and the north metro fire rescue district regarding the provision of sewer service to the north metro fire rescue district's fire station and training center
C. CR-105 - Leighty: 120th Avenue West of Sylvia & Northwest Open Space Road Paving
A RESOLUTION approving an agreement between the city of northglenn and brannan sand and gravel company, llc for the 112th avenue west of sylvia drive and northwest open space road paving project
13. marijuana licensing authority:
B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 13, 2023
C. Manager Registration Application - The Green Solution, LLC d/b/a The Green Solution
14. discussion Items:
A. Land Acknowledgement Statement
15. Public Invited To Be Heard: 3 Minutes Per Speaker Opportunity for public comment
(Statements should be related to an item previously addressed by Council during the meeting)
16. Adjournment: