Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2009-09-24 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda: Minutes of the September 10, 2009 Regular Meeting; CR-106 - Youth Comm Reappt. - Brittany Thomas; CR-107 - Youth Comm Reappt. - Kevin Thomas; CR-108 - Youth Comm Appt. - Ciara Neill; CR-109 - Youth Comm Appt. - Kyler McCleland 8 0 0 CB-1694 - Supplemental Appropriation - Justice Assistance Grant 8 0 0 Motion to delete Section 18-14-24(5) and to add language to 18-14-19 regarding sales tax compliance 8 0 0 Motion to amend CB-1695 to allow the Green Medicals business to be grandfathered-in as to their location 6 2 0 CB-1695 - Medical Marijuana Dispensary Regulations - as amended 7 1 0 CB-1696 - Elimination of Sales Tax Vendor Fee 4 4 0 CB-1697 - Supplemental Appropriation - Justice Assitance Grant #2 with a friendly amendment to delete Section 3. 8 0 0 CB-1698 - Supplemental Appropriation - Accelerated Purchase of Trash Trucks with a friendly amendment to delete Section 3. 7 1 0 CR-100 - Flat Rock Training Center IGA & MOU 7 1 0 CR-105 - Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Acceptance 8 0 0 CR-110 - 2010 Parks & Recreation User Fee Schedule 8 0 0 Motion to approve the request for an exception to Res. 08-156 for two part-time fitness instructors 8 0 0 Motion to authorize the expenditure to repair the pedestrian underpass 8 0 0 Motion to adjourn to Executive Session to review personnel matters pursuant to Section 4.5(a) of the Northglenn Home Rule Charter regarding Council employee evaluations 8 0 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.