Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2009-01-08 Vote Yes No Abstain Motion to adjourn to Executive Session for legal and contractual matters 7 0 0 Consent Agenda - Minutes of December 5, 2008 and December 11, 2008 meetings; CR-1 - Public Posting Places/Open Meetings Law; CR-3 - Youth Commission Appointment - Amanda Wright 7 0 0 CB-1677 - Special Private Occasion Permit Security Requirements 7 0 0 CR-2 - 104th Avenue Bridge Enhancements IGA 7 0 0 CR-4 - 104th Avenue Bridge Enhancements Design - Addendum #2 6 1 0 Motion to table CR-5 - Crosswalk Improvements Project 6 1 0 CR-6 - 2009 Street Sweeper Purchase 7 0 0 CR-7 - Records Maintenance Policy as amended (friendly) 7 0 0 Motion to approve the four hiring exceptions as recommended by the City Manager and a fifth exception for the Deputy City Clerk position 5 2 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.