Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2008-04-10 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda: March 27, 2008 Minutes and CR-62 - Historic Preservation Commission Appointment - Jerry Gavette 8 0 0 CB-1651 - Noxious Weed Regulations 8 0 0 CB-1652 - Reimbursement of Recall Election Expenses including a friendly amendment 8 0 0 CR-60 - Utility Bill Printing & Mail Services 8 0 0 CR-63 - North Metro Rail Corridor Quiet Zone Administration 8 0 0 CR-64 - City Clerk Early Retirement 7 1 0 Motion to direct staff to prepare an agreement with CPAAAN and the Police Dept to establish a working relationship for the protection of both regarding liability and to indicate responsibilities and rights, to be submitted to Council at a work session. 7 0 1 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.