Voting archives

City Council votes from meeting on 2014-04-28

Vote Yes No Abstain
Consent Agenda: Minutes of the April 10, 2014 Special Meeting; Minutes of the April 14, 2014 Regular Meeting; and Minutes of the April 21, 2014 Special Meeting 9 0 0
CB-1819 - Water and Wastewater Rate Increase 8 1 0
CB-1823 - Appropriation Amendment - Croke Reservoir Residential Fencing 9 0 0
CB-1824 - Fox Run PUD Amendment - Landscaping Design Guidelines 9 0 0
CB-1825 - Supplemental Appropriation - Colorado Tree Coalition Grant 9 0 0
CB-1826 - Collection of Excess Tax 9 0 0
CB-1827 - Massage Parlor Licensing Amendment - Student Massage Therapist Exemption 9 0 0
CB-1828 - CIP Carryover 9 0 0
CR-43 - CML Executive Board Candidacy Endorsement - Mayor Pro Tem C. Dodge 9 0 0
Motion to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2014 Marijuana Licensing Authority meeting 9 0 0
Motion to direct the Attorney for the Authority to prepare, for action on May 12, 2014, a draft resolution approving the medical marijuana center license application filed by AJO Holdings, LLC dba High Society Medical Cannabis 4 5 0
Motion to direct the Attorney for the Authority to prepare, for action on May 12, 2014, a draft resolution denying the medical marijuana center license application filed by AJO Holdings, LLC dba High Society Medical Cannabis 5 4 0
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session 1) pursuant to Section 4.5(g) of the Northglenn Home Rule Charter for negotiations concerning the purchase, sale, lease or other acquisition of real or personal property or interests therein or concerning any contracts except those required to be the subject of competitive bidding regarding redevelopment at a) 104th Ave and Huron St; b) 120th Ave and Grant St; and c) 112th Ave and Washington St; and 2) pursuant to Section 4.5(b) of the Northglenn Home Rule Charter for the review of applications for any appointive position; interviews and appointments shall be conducted at an open meeting 9 0 0

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