Voting archives

City Council votes from meeting on 2014-01-13

Vote Yes No Abstain
Consent Agenda: Minutes of the December 16, 2013 Regular Meeting; Minutes of the January 6, 2014 Special Meeting; CR-2 - Historic Preservation Commission Reappt - Elizabeth Candelario; CR-3 - Historic Preservation Commission Reappt - Roy Hess 9 0 0
CR-1 - Public Posting Places/Open Meetings Law 9 0 0
CB-1815 - Northglenn Ambulance Rezoning - 10655 Washington Street 9 0 0
CB-1817 - Addition of Chapter 21 to Municipal Code Chapter Classification 9 0 0
CR-4 - Disaster Emergency Mutual Aid IGA 9 0 0
CR-6 - Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract - W.L. Contractors, Inc. 9 0 0
CR-7 - Sanitation Fund/Capital Equipment - 2014 Light Truck Purchase 9 0 0
CR-8 - General Fund/Capital Equipment - 2014 Street Sweeper Purchase 9 0 0
Motion to approve the December 16, 2013 Marijuana Licensing Authority minutes 9 0 0
Motion to direct the Attorney for the Authority to prepare a draft resolution denying the medical marijuana center license application filed by Rocky Mountain Retail Management, LLC dba Rocky Mountain High and for the draft resolution to be presented to the Authority for action on January 27, 2014 6 3 0
Motion to direct the Attorney for the Authority to prepare a draft resolution approving the retail marijuana business license application filed by Physician Preferred Products, LLC dba Physician Preferred Products and for the draft resolution to be presented to the Authority for action on January 27, 2014 5 2 0
Motion to approve the renewal application filed by BotanaCare, LLC dba BotanaCare 9 0 0
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session 1) pursuant to Section 4.5(a) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for personnel matters regarding evaluations of Council Appointees; and 2) pursuant to Section 4.5(g) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for negotiations concerning the purchase, sale, lease or other acquisition of real or personal property, or interests therein, or concerning any contracts except those required to be the subject of competitive bidding regarding redevelopment at 120th Avenue and Grant Street 9 0 0

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