Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2010-07-08 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda: Minutes of the June 17, 2010 Special Meeting; CR-101 - Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Reappointment - Chris DeMay 9 0 0 CB-1722 - Rezoning of 9777 Fred Drive from R-1-B to Planned Unit Development (PUD) 7 2 0 CB-1723 - Appropriation Amendment - Ballfield Project Grant 9 0 0 Motion to amend CB-1724 by the reduction of the amount in Section 1. to $1,000,000 6 3 0 CB-1724 - Supplemental Appropriation - Recreation Center Repairs - as amended 8 1 0 CB-1725 - Supplemental Appropriation - Irrigation Valve Replacement Project 8 1 0 CR-95 - FileOnQ/EvidenceOnQ License Agreement 9 0 0 CR-102 - Opposing Proposition 101 and Amendments 60 and 61 9 0 0 CR-103 - NURA Cooperative Agreement 8 1 0 CR-105 - Adams County Collaborative Transportation Planning IGA 9 0 0 CR-106 - RTD/Call-n-Ride Program IGA Amendment 9 0 0 CR-107 - Identity Theft Prevention Program 9 0 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.