Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2012-02-09 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda: Minutes of the January 26, 2012 Regular Meeting; CR-16 - Youth Commission Appointment - Leandra Laws; CR-17 - Board of Adjustment Reappointment - Terry Ketelsen 8 0 0 CB-1762 - Appropriation Amendment - AssetWorks Fleet Maintenance Program 8 0 0 CR-12 - TZA Water Engineers Professional Services Agreement 8 0 0 CR-13 - Fischer, Bartlett, Brown & Gunn, PC Legal Services Agreement 8 0 0 CR-18 - Recreation Center Gym Floor Replacement 8 0 0 CR-19 - 2012 Utility Emergency Repair Contract 8 0 0 CR-20 - Authorizing Letter of Support for City of Aurora - Gaylord Entertainment Project 8 0 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.