Voting archives from City Council meeting on 2012-11-12

Consent Agenda: Minutes of the October 22, 2012 Regular & November 5, 2012 Special Meetings; CR-111 - Youth Commission Reappt - Tyler Dodge; CR-112 - VALE Board Appt - Donna Planert; CR-113 - VALE Board Alternate Appt - Susan Kroh

Yes: 8, No: 0, Abstain: 0

Individual votes:

Gene Wieneke, Ward 4 YES
Susan Clyne, Ward 3 YES
Joyce Downing, Mayor YES
Carol Dodge, Ward 1 YES
Joe Brown, Ward 2  
Kim Snetzinger, Ward 4 YES
Leslie Carrico, Ward 2 YES
Marci Whitman, Ward 3 YES
Wayne Dodge, Ward 1 YES

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