Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2016-04-25 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda: April 11, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes; CR-48 - Planning Commission Appointment - Scenet Dalfonso; CR-49 - Historic Preservation Commission Reappointment - Diane Cooksey 9 0 0 CB-1865 - Keeping of Chickens - As Amended (Friendly) 8 1 0 CB-1866 - Keeping of Bees - As Amended (Friendly) 8 1 0 CB-1867 - Keeping of Bees and Chickens in Residential Zones 8 1 0 CR-50 - WWTP Headworks and Clarifier Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Amendment No. 1 9 0 0 Motion to adjourn to Executive Session 1) pursuant to Section 4.5(d) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for legal consultation and advice regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant; and 2) pursuant to Section 4.5(g) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for negotiations concerning the potential acquisition of real property and contracts except those required to be the subject of competitive bidding 8 0 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.