Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2007-12-13 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda:Approval of Minutes: Nov. 8, 2007 and November 29, 2007.. see agenda for details...... 8 1 0 CB-1638- Renaming of City Departments 9 0 0 CB-1639- Employee Pension Plan Amendments 9 0 0 CB-1640- Police Pension Plan Amendments 9 0 0 CB-1642- Term Limits for Boards and Commissions 7 2 0 CR-105- Croke Reservoir Dewatering & Storm Sewer Contract 9 0 0 CR-106- Huron St. Improvements & Croke Reservoir Shoreline Stabilization Contract 9 0 0 CR-111- Huron St. Corridor Landscape Design Improvements-Addendum #1- Irrigation System Design Services 8 1 0 CR-109- Mill Levy Certification 9 0 0 CR-110- Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract Extension 9 0 0 CR-112- Link- IGA 9 0 0 CR-119- NNDC Funding 8 1 0 CR-120- Acceptance of JAG Grant 9 0 0 CR-121- WWTP Headworks & Lift Station A Modifications- Addendum #2 8 1 0 CR-122- Allocation of Travel Funds for Holiday Lighting 8 1 0 CR-123- call-n-Ride- IGA 9 0 0 CR-124- Crossroads Alignment Study- IGA 9 0 0 CR-125- WWTP Fence Installation Contract 8 0 1 CR-127- 1st Amendment to City Manager Contract 5 4 0 CR-128- Setting the Salary of the City Clerk with the insertion of 3% to be $78,280 7 2 0 Motion to cancel the December 27, 2007 Council Meeting 8 1 0 To table the designation of the Skate Park until Jan. 24, 2008 9 0 0 To extend the meeting until 11:20 p.m. 7 2 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.