Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2007-07-12 Vote Yes No Abstain To support the Youth Commission and their project of parenthood with partnership for healthy communities 7 0 0 Consent Agenda 7 0 0 CB-1626- Residential On-Street Parking Permits & Fee Revisions 6 1 0 To table CB-1621 to July 26, 2007 7 0 0 CR-58- WTP Clearwell Expansion Design Contract- Addendum #3 7 0 0 CR-60- Single Family Home Mortgage Revenue Bonds 7 0 0 CR-61- Towing Contract 5 2 0 CR-62- 2007 Street Improvement Program 7 0 0 CR-63- 2007 Water Conservation Plan 7 0 0 CR-64- Adams & Weld County Election- IGA 7 0 0 CR-65- 2007 Street Improvement Program 7 0 0 CR-66- Special Counsel Agreement with Kissinger & Fellman P.C. 7 0 0 To affirm the recommendation of the task force plan, however if a station is designated for the area Council recommends concept #3. 6 1 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.