Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2022-01-24 Vote Yes No Abstain CB-1978 - Gender Neutral Municipal Code Revisions 9 0 0 Motion to adjourn to Executive Session: 1) pursuant to Section 4.5(d) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for legal consultation and advice regarding boards and commissions; 2) pursuant to Section 4.5(g) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for negotiations regarding water acquisition; and 3) pursuant to Section 4.5(g) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for negotiations regarding the P3 Project 9 0 0 Consent Agenda: Jan. 10, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes; CR-10 - Adams 12 Five Star Schools Board Liaison; CR-11 - ADCOG Subregional Transportation Forum Appts; CR-12 - AC-REP Appt; CR-13 - Business Relations Coordinator; CR-14 - CC4CA Appts; CR-15 - CML Appts; CR-16 - DRCOG Appts; CR-17 - DISE Board Ex-Officio; CR-18 - Finance Committee Members; CR-19 - Historic Preservation Commission Ex-Officio; CR-20 - Legislative Policy Committee Members; CR-21 - NATA Appts; CR-22 - NMFRD Liaison; CR-23 - NAHF Liaison; CR-24 - Northglenn Senior Organization Liaison; CR-25 - NURA Council Representative; CR-26 - Outside Agency Funding Committee Members; CR-27 - Parks & Rec Advisory Board Ex-Officio; CR-28 - Parliamentarian Appt; CR-29 - Planning Commission Ex-Officio; CR-30 - Rangeview Library District Liaison; CR-31 - Rocky Flats Stewardship Council Appt; CR-32 - Rocky Mountain Partnership Appt; CR-33 - Youth Commission Ex-Officio; CR-34 - City Council Legal Fee Reimbursement Policy; CR-35 - ACOS Grant Acceptance - Justice Center West Park; CR-36 - ACOS Grant Acceptance - Croke Reservoir; CR-37 - CCPP Advisory Board Ex-Officio; CR-42 - 2022 Northglenn/Thornton Shared Victim Services IGA; CR-43 - Metro Mayors Caucus Appt; CR-44 - Mile High Flood District Appt 9 0 0 CR-38 - Community Co-Production Policing Advisor Board Ward 1 Member - Jason Woodard 9 0 0 CR-39 - Building Codes Cohort Project IGA 9 0 0 CR-40 - VTI Security Additional Contingency Authorization 9 0 0 CR-41 - Sport & Fitness Additional Contingency Authorization 9 0 0 Motion to approve the Oct. 25, 2021 Marijuana Licensing Authority meeting mintues 9 0 0 Motion to direct the Attorney for the Authority to prepare a draft resolution approving the retail marijuana business license application filed by Discrete Greens, LLC dba Discrete Greens and for the draft resolution to be presented to the Authority for action on Feb. 14, 2022 9 0 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.