Caught exception in Webdocs::Controller::Vote->render_vote "Can't locate object method "value" via package "RPC::XML::Client::send_request: HTTP server error: Can't connect to vote:8080" (perhaps you forgot to load "RPC::XML::Client::send_request: HTTP server error: Can't connect to vote:8080"?) at /var/vhosts/webdocs/Webdocs/script/../lib/Webdocs/Artifact/ line 106."

Stack Trace

Package Line File
Webdocs::Artifact::Vote 106 /var/vhosts/webdocs/Webdocs/lib/Webdocs/Artifact/

103: my $resp = $cli->send_request('fetch_vote', 104: RPC::XML::int->new($vote_id)); 105: 106: my $vote = $resp->value; 107: 108: return undef unless $vote; 109:

Webdocs::Controller::Vote 44 /var/vhosts/webdocs/Webdocs/lib/Webdocs/Controller/

41: 42: $c->detach('/invalid') unless $vote_artifact->is_valid(); 43: 44: my ($vote, $results) = $vote_artifact->vote($vote_id); 45: 46: $c->stash->{meeting} = $meeting; 47: $c->stash->{date} = $date;


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do {
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Webdocs on Catalyst 5.90103