Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2015-01-26 Vote Yes No Abstain Motion to meet in Executive Session pursuant to Section 4.5(d) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for legal consultation and advice regarding potential legislation on the taxation of marijuana 7 0 0 Consent Agenda: Approval of Minutes of January 12, 2015 Regular Meeting; CR-14 - Board of Adjustment Reappointment - Terry Wadding; CR-15 - Citizens' Affairs Board Reappointment - Lee Brown 9 0 0 CB-1844 - Glenn Arms Apartments PUD Amendment 9 0 0 CB-1845 - Prohibiting the Extraction of THC/Hash Oil 9 0 0 CB-1846 - Adoption of 2010 Model Traffic Code 9 0 0 CR-16 - Lamp Rynearson & Associates/TZA Water Engineers Professional Services Agreement 9 0 0 CR-17 - Master Drainage Plans & Flood Hazard Area Delineations IGA with Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 9 0 0 CR-18 - Fischer, Brown, Bartlett & Gunn Legal Services Agreement 9 0 0 CR-19 - Second Amendment to City Manager Employment Agreement 9 0 0 CR-20 - Parks Division Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 9 0 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.