Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2015-12-14 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda: December 7, 2015 Special Meeting Minutes; CR-172 - The LINK IGA; CR-173 - Victim Services IGA; CR-175 - VALE Grant Acceptance - Mobile Bug Device/CALLYO; CR-176 - Bureau of Justice Grant Acceptance - Bulletproof Vest Partnership; CR-178 - Peace Officer Standards & Training Grant Award - Training & Ammunition; CR-179 - Historic Preservation Commission Appt - Lauren Weatherly 9 0 0 CB-1860 - Northglenn Pavilions Rezoning 9 0 0 CB-1861 - Floodplain Ordinance Update 9 0 0 CB-1859 - Cross-Connection Control Program 9 0 0 CB-1863 - Bellco Credit Union Rezoning 9 0 0 CR-162 - Non Substantial Modification to Northglenn Urban Renewal Plan 1 9 0 0 CR-163 - Substantial Modification to Northglenn Urban Renewal Plan 2 9 0 0 CR-169 - 2016 Pay Plan 9 0 0 CR-170 - Department Head Salary Ranges 9 0 0 CR-171 - Adoption of 2016 Budget 9 0 0 CR-177 - Emergency Operations Plan Adoption 9 0 0 CR-180 - Northglenn Pavilions Subdivision Improvement Agreement 9 0 0 CR-181 - Mill Levy 9 0 0 CR-182 - City Clerk - as revised (friendly) 9 0 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.