Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2015-06-22 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda: Minutes of the June 8, 2015 Regular Meeting 7 0 0 CB-1854 - Sales Tax Collection Authorization 7 0 0 CB-1855 - Supplemental Appropriation 7 0 0 CB-1856 - Appropriation Amendments 7 0 0 CR-83 - CDBG Grant Agreement - Larson Park Improvements 7 0 0 CR-84 - Adams County Open Space Grant Agreement - Larson Park Improvements 7 0 0 CR-85 - Adams County Open Space Grant Agreement - Partners with Parks Enhancements 7 0 0 CR-86 - Sculpture Garden Designation and Sculpture Placement 7 1 0 CR-87 - Capital Equipment Engineering Toyota Tacoma 8 0 0 Motion to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2015 Marijuana Licensing Authority meeting 8 0 0 CR-71 - Approving Reconsideration of Modification of Premises Application - BotanaCare, LLC 6 2 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.