CITY OF northglenn
october 12, 2020
7:00 p.m.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, City Council members will participate in this meeting electronically.
No City Council members will be physically present at City Hall for this meeting.
Public access to the meeting will be available on the local government access Channel 8
and on the City's YouTube channel at
Public access will also be available by telephone:
Call-in Number: 720-961-5043 Meeting ID: 148 873 4083
1. Call to Order:
2. Roll Call:
3. Pledge of Allegiance:
4. Response to Citizen Inquiry:
5. Agenda Additions and Deletions:
6. ProclamationS:
A. Matt Chan Day - Titan Games Champion - October 12, 2020
B. National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month - October 2020
C. Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October 2020
7. PresentationS:
A. COVID-19 Update - Dr. John Douglas, Tri-County Health Department
8. Public Invited To Be Heard: 5 Minutes Per Speaker Opportunity for public comment
(Statements shall be related to City business and limited to matters of community interest)
9. Communications:
A. Mayor and Council
1. Legislative Policy Committee Update - Discussion and Possible Action:
2. Other City Council Committees
B. City Manager, City Clerk, and City Attorney
10. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes: September 28, 2020 Regular Meeting
A RESOLUTION approving a second amendment to the memorandum of understanding between the city of northglenn and adams 12 five star schools for use and access of city owned property
C. CR-136 - Leighty: Planning Commission Reappointment - Jodie Schenck
A RESOLUTION reappointing a regular member to the planning commission of the city of northglenn, colorado
D. CR-137 - Leighty: Adams 12 CARES Act Funding IGA
A RESOLUTION approving an intergovernmental agreement between the city of northglenn and adams 12 five star schools for covid-19 assistance
E. CR-138 - Leighty: Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County CARES Act Subrecipient Agreement
A RESOLUTION approving a subrecipient agreement between the city of northglenn and the early childhood partnership of adams county regarding disbursement of coronavirus aid, relief and economic security act funds for the covid-19 childcare assistance grant program
11. Items Removed From Consent Agenda:
12. public hearings:
A. Proposed 2021 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program
13. ordinances - first reading:
A. CB-1954 - Leighty: Amending the Municipal Code Regarding Contractor Licenses
A bill for an ordinance AMENDING article 18 of chapter 10 of the northglenn municipal code regarding contractors' licenses
14. Resolutions:
A. CR-134 - Leighty: IGA with Thornton Regarding the Design of East 120th Avenue Roadway Improvements
A RESOLUTION approving an intergovernmental agreement between the city of northglenn and the city of thornton regarding the design of 120th avenue roadway improvements
B. CR-139 - Leighty: Support for Adams County Ballot Issue 1A
A RESOLUTION supporting adams county ballot issue 1a on the november 3, 2020 ballot to permanently extend the existing one-fourth of one percent adams county open space sales tax
C. CR-140 - Leighty: Support for Adams County Ballot Issue 1B
A RESOLUTION supporting adams county ballot issue 1b on the november 3, 2020 ballot to permanently extend the existing one-half of one percent adams county sales tax to be used for road and bridge projects and county facilities
15. Public Invited To Be Heard: 3 Minutes Per Speaker Opportunity for public comment
(Statements should be related to an item previously addressed by Council during the meeting)
16. Adjournment:
Executive Session pursuant to Section 4.5(a) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for personnel matters regarding Council appointee evaluations
If you have a disability and need auxiliary aids or services to attend or participate in this meeting, please contact the City of Northglenn at 303.450.8714 at least 72 hours in advance of when services are needed.