REVISED 7/9/21
CITY OF northglenn
JULY 12, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, City Council members will participate in this meeting electronically.
No City Council members will be physically present at City Hall for this meeting.
Public access to the meeting will be available on the local government access Channel 8
and on the City's YouTube channel at
Public access will also be available by telephone:
Call-in Number: 720-961-5043 Meeting ID: 146 439 9077
1. Call to Order:
2. Roll Call:
3. Pledge of Allegiance:
4. Response to Citizen Inquiry:
5. Agenda Additions and Deletions:
A. Americans with Disabilities Act Awareness Day - July 26, 2021
7. PResentationS:
A. Dedicated Service Award - David Swayze, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
8. Public Invited To Be Heard: 5 Minutes Per Speaker Opportunity for public comment
(Statements shall be related to City business and limited to matters of community interest)
9. Communications:
A. Mayor and Council
1. Legislative Policy Committee Update - Discussion and Possible Action:
2. Other City Council Committees
B. City Manager, City Clerk, and City Attorney
A. May 2021 Update - Jason Loveland
11. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes: June 28, 2021 Regular Meeting
12. Items Removed From Consent Agenda:
A. CB-1972 - Leighty: Supplemental Appropriation
B. CB-1973 - Leighty: Creation of a Religious Buffer Zone
C. CB-1974 - Leighty: Cold Weather Care Building Code Amendment
A. CB-1972 - Leighty: Supplemental Appropriation
A bill for A SPECIAL ORDINANCE amending the 2021 budget recognizing revenues and appropriating expenditures by supplemental appropriation, for the payment of the costs and expenses of the municipal government, agencies and offices of the city of northglenn, colorado, for the fiscal year beginning january 1, 2021
B. CB-1973 - Leighty: Creation of a Religious Buffer Zone
A bill for AN ORDINANCE amending article 4 of chapter 9 of the northglenn municipal code by the addition of a new section 9-4-16 concerning prevention of passage to and from a religious facility
C. CB-1974 - Leighty: Cold Weather Care Building Code Amendment
A bill for AN ORDINANCE amending section 10-17-5 of the northglenn municipal code, amending the international existing building code, 2018 edition, as previously adopted by reference by the city, by the addition thereto of new subsections (j) and (k)
A. CR-67 - Leighty: Partners in Energy - Energy Action Plan Phase 2 MOU Extension
A RESOLUTION approving a memorandum of understanding between the city of northglenn and xcel energy for the continued implementation of the energy action plan in phase 2 of the partners in energy program
16. Discussion items:
A. E.B. Rains, Jr. Memorial Park Safety Concerns - Rupa Venkatesh
17. Public Invited To Be Heard: 3 Minutes Per Speaker Opportunity for public comment
(Statements should be related to an item previously addressed by Council during the meeting)
18. Adjournment: