Voting archives City Council votes from meeting on 2012-11-12 Vote Yes No Abstain Consent Agenda: Minutes of the October 22, 2012 Regular & November 5, 2012 Special Meetings; CR-111 - Youth Commission Reappt - Tyler Dodge; CR-112 - VALE Board Appt - Donna Planert; CR-113 - VALE Board Alternate Appt - Susan Kroh 8 0 0 Motion to reconsider CB-1782 - City Manager Residency Requirement 8 0 0 Motion to amend CB-1782 to require the city manager to reside within a 45 minute approximate commuting time of the city limits 6 2 0 CB-1782 - City Manager Residency Requirement - as amended 7 1 0 CB-1783 - Timing of City Council Taking Office Upon Certification of Election Results 8 0 0 CR-116 - Parks & Recreation 2013 Fee Schedule 8 0 0 CR-117 - UDFCD IGA Amendment - Grange Hall Creek Drainage Improvements/Pedestrian Underpass 8 0 0 CR-118 - Standley Lake Pipeline Joint Operating Committee Escrow Account Contribution 8 0 0 Motion to adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Section 4.5(b) of the City of Northglenn Home Rule Charter for the review of applications for any appointive position; Interviews and appointments shall be conducted at an open meeting 8 0 0 Return to the meeting where these votes were taken.